Ayurvedic Dosha Balancing for Optimal Health: An Insight from Desi Health Overview Within the field of holistic wellness, Ayurveda is a guiding principle of age-old knowledge. This 5,000-year-old natural health approach, having roots in the Indian subcontinent, places a strong emphasis on bodily, mental, and spiritual harmony. The idea of doshas, or the three basic energies Vata, Pitta, and Kapha that are thought to control human physiology and health, is essential to Ayurvedic therapy. The best possible health and well-being can result from comprehending and harmonizing these doshas. What are Doshas? Vata Dosha: It is air and space which forms vata, air and breath flow, blood circulation; when right, it enhances creativeness and adaptability while imbalances can lead to nervousness, parched skin as well as gastrointestinal tract problems. Pitta Dosha: Fire combined with water makes pitta, digestion metabolism and body temperature regulation; well-