Simple Desi Remedies for Pain Relief
Introduction Headaches, back pains and other such problems can become real nightmares rendering even the most mundane chores almost unbearable. It is a common phenomenon that we feel muscle and joint pains after muscular exercises or a mere sick feeling, headaches among other pains can be moderate to severe and interfere with our normal functioning. Though sometimes it may require prescription medicine for pain controlling purpose, there are numbers of non-prescription natural cures which can help to relieve pain without using chemicals and featuring side-effects. Well here in this blog post, I am going to talk about some of these natural remedies that have been used in desi or the alternative medicine for ages to treat all types of body aches. Ginger Ginger is perhaps one of the oldest traditional treatments that people from the Indian subcontinent have long used to treat body pains. Another way it minimises strain is by addressing the inflammation of muscles and joints, which c