How Matsyasana Helps in Respiratory Problems


Fish pose is a back-bending yoga pose that has many benefits, the most significant and noticeable being the effects on the respiratory system. Through the expansion of the chest and lungs, Matsyasana could be very beneficiary to the respiratory system and overall health. Here's how:

Expands Lungs

While entering into Matsyasana, the chest rises up and the spine moves backward. This expanding and stretching personally aids in the expanding of lung capacity and in the expansion of the lungs so more air is allowed to enter the lungs during the time of inhalation. Several individuals that have challenges in taking deep breaths can be advantaged by this expansion.

Strengthens Lungs

When done frequently, the lung tissues become more flexible and also get strengthened due to practice of Matsyasana. If additional space is created by a further expansion of the ribcage, then the muscles that help us breathe will have to work harder to allow our breath to be drawn and this has an added positive bonus of giving a gentle strengthening of these vital muscles. Healthy lungs enable more oxygen to be supplied to the blood stream in a more efficient manner.

Relieves Stress and Anxiety

Learning how to breathe properly, particularly full and deep breaths, when in Matsyasana greatly allows for a relaxation and almost meditative experience. This action has positive impact on blood pressure and frequency of heart beats, to manage anxiety, stress and slightly severe depression. With the reduction in stress, the breathing becomes deeper and the amount of oxygen delivered to the body tissues increases.

How to Perform Matsyasana and Include it in Your Daily Practice

To have an energizing effect, do Matsyasana in the morning and also helps in setting the pace for right breathing for the rest of the day. It is also advisable to perform it at night before going to bed as an exercise in relaxation. Maintain the position for one to five minutes while extending the time it takes for each inhale and exhale.


Matsyasana is contraindicated in cases of back injuries, neck issues or headaches and people suffering from these conditions should avoid it or practice it in a limited manner. It is also important for pregnant women not to try out full back bends. If you have respiratory illnesses such as asthma, exercise gently under the supervision of a teacher.


The Matsyasana as a back bend, chest expansion and deep breathing exercise is especially effective in strengthening and increasing the capacity of the lungs. It is recommended to integrate this pose into your schedule to provide a little boost to your respiratory system. Always go gradually, pay attention to any sensations and, as with any new yoga asana, seek guidance from a qualified instructor if unsure.


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