Parvatasana: A Yoga Pose that is Needless to Mention Will Improve Your Breathing
Specific yoga postures that involve the chest for example
can be of great benefits when it comes to respiratory health. Parvatasana or
Mountain Pose is a standing yoga pose in Desi traditions and can help in many
ways pertaining to breathing and lung capacity. This is a very basic and yet
very effective asana that can be performed anytime of the day.
Main Section
The name Parvatasana is derived from two words, ‘parvata’
which stands for a mountain and ‘asana’ meaning posture. With respect to the
name of the pose, the intention is to create a feeling of tall and strong
structure of the body as if it is the mountain. To come into the pose, the feet
can be placed side by side or hip width apart with the spin kept straight. This
involves lifting the arms up overhead with the biceps by the ears. The
shoulders should drop at the back away from the ears, and the ribs should
expand outwards as far as possible from the pelvis to create space for the
lungs. You can maintain this position for 5-10 slow deep breaths.
Here are some of the main respiratory benefits of practicing
Parvatasana regularly:Here is how the main respiratory muscles are benefited
with the regular practice of Parvatasana:
- It facilitates in
expanding the lungs because the act of laughing makes the chest and ribs more
elastic. This leads to an increase in the flow of oxygen into the lungs and
thus an increase in production of this hormone accelerates respiration.
- It also recruits
muscles that are involved in the act of breathing such as the diaphragm, and
the muscles found between the ribs known as intercostals. This helps in
enhancing breath control discretionarily in music.
- Enhances posture by extending the spine which creates
space for the lungs to expand /contract.
- It helps to ease tension within the nervous system this
helps those who experience stress related breathing difficulties.
Thus, standing tall as a mountain and performing deep
breathing, Parvatasana is a very helpful procedure that improves respiratory
function. It might be useful to incorporate this pose into the practice of
Whenever you begin to feel tired or your breathing becomes
weak you should come into Parvatasana. Let the peak-like pose expand your chest
and lungs, lively the body and help you breathe deeply and sufficiently.
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