Some of the homely cervical pain relief techniques which are easily found in the Indian scenarios are discussed here.


Cervical spondylitis or cervical osteoarthritis is another disease process that is rather widespread and results in pain and stiffness in the cervical region and limited range of motion. Ancient cure and natural medicines and healing processes such as herbal and Ayurvedic medicines and yoga and traditional healing procedures have been used in the Indian subcontinent for the treatment of this since centuries. Our purpose in this blog is to become familiar with some of the few desi remedies that can be taken in the diet with regards to cervical pain.

Understanding Cervical Spondylitis:

In layman’s terms, cervical spondylitis means the wear and tear of cervical vertebrae due to the shrinking of the discs which lie in between the vertebral bodies and the formation of bony spurs in the spinal column. Applying much pressure on nerves around the site causes such sensations as pains and at times even what is termed as numbness, which may stretch to the parts of the limbs where discs are less in size as well as the muscles that surround the spine. They also function as a setback to the ordinary drug which controls the disease in the conventional practice without considering the fortification of strength and flexibility of the bone in the future.  

Desi Health Care Practices for Managing Cervical Spondylitis:Following are some of the traditional Indian health care practices which may be useful in order to treat the cervical spondylitis.

 1. Yoga Asanas – Certain of the Yoga Asanas such as Bhujangasana, Uttanasana and neck stretches help in increasing blood circulation and reducing stiffness of the neck muscles. Self-massage should also involve movements of your neck in circles as if it were on its own axis for mobilising tight muscles that may be making it stiff. Everyday practice of yoga ushers the body of a person into a positive change as well as enhances the strength of the spine. 

2. Ayurvedic Oils and Herbs: – – Sesame, castor or coconut oil head massages help in relaxing the neck muscles while Mahanarayan is used to give a relief from the pain. Dashmoola tea and Ashwagandha can be used in the treatment of nerves and has properties that can lessen inflammation. Hot fomentation using the Epsom salt also help in the stretching process.

3. Physiotherapy and Acupressure – For pain and recovery physiotherapy has a better impact of the overall condition. Acupressure also helps to boost up mood by relaxing the muscles and thereby alleviating the symptoms.

Dietary Adjustments for Better Cervical Health:Making Changes in the Food We Partake to Improve the Cervical Health:

This gives a hint that simple change in the dietary habits can do a lot in treating cervical spondylitis.These include:

1. Salmon, nuts, seeds should be taken more often to enhance intake of omega 3 fatty acids to reduce friction between bones and fight inflammation.


2. Include more mangoes, papaya, and pineapple for enzyme bromelain that is essential for connective tissues.

3. Have milk, make sure that celery, other citrus fruits, bell peppers are in stock for Vitamin C and collagen.

4. I think one should include anti-inflammatory spices such as turmeric to get the benefits of Curcumin.


Yoga, massages, and acupressure, herbs and a proper diet can greatly help to reduce the effects of the cervical spondylitis. While outcomes may be slower, natural remedies promote the long term health of bones and muscles without any detrimental consequences. Instead of temporary solutions, adopt desi healing practices as a daily routine for having a pain-free neck.


  1. Thanks for this article. I am suffering from cervical I hope these helps in reliving pain.


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