The Health Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana for the Spine


Half spinal twist or Ardha Matsyendrasana is one of the popular yogic postures of the yogasanas that are very useful to the spine. In Desi health care, this yoga pose is feel to be good for the backbone muscles and mass and also tones the internal organs and nerves. If one has middle and lower back issues, improper posture & alignment and for minimising or preventing some forms of spinal degradation from the yogic position one should do Ardha Matsyendrasana for at least 30 days.

In this particular blog post, I will also explain how exactly Ardha Matsyendrasana helps to contribute to a healthy spine if seen through the perspective of the Desi health system.

Benefits for the Spine:

- Low impact on the spine – the twisting movement aides to promote muscle relaxation and elasticity around the spinal column since it has a low impact on it. It is believed to be helpful in the reduction or even prevention of stiffness or tightness.

 - Enhances joint strength – twisting assists to build the muscles that are located around the central part of the body including the oblique muscles as well as the erector muscles that are associated with the spine. Therefore, muscles such as those in the category of ‘hard muscles’ also help to reduce such strains.

 - Massages internal organs – The internal massage may also improve the function of internal organs with a view of promoting delivery of nutrients to the spinal tissues. Better supply of blood enables supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the different body organs.

 - Stimulates nerves – It is important to note that the vertebral column also enshrouds the spinal cord, nerve trunks etc. These nerves will therefore be twined hence enhancing nerve signalization as well as continence.

- Gently realigns posture – Another aspect of using gentle force is realigning the vertebrae. Stable arrangements of the vertebrae minimize pressure and pain.

- Alters position for the better over time – Repeating the exercise overtime acts as a way of enhancing the general body posture towards what the spine should look like in our day to day activities. This helps to avoid postures such as hunching, slouching etc.

Therefore, the dynamic stretching and strengthening that comes with executing this asana also massage and stimulate nerves that make up almost all the structures of the spine. Practice makes perfect – this is true because the more frequently a certain skill or task is performed, the more improvement is achieved. If one has spine related problem or injury, it is advisable to see a yoga therapist or a doctor before doing Ardha Matsyendrasana. Altogether, this pose is beneficial in keeping the spine and body quite flexible and strong, stable, and healthy in accordance with Desi health regimen or norms.


Ardha Matsyendrasana tones every tissue, muscle, nerve, bone, organ that is connected with the spine. As time goes on it enhances flexibility, muscle tone of the spine, blood circulation, nerve impulses, and spinal column realignment and correct body posture. Daily practice is also useful for maintaining long term health and functioning of the spine. According to the Desi health tradition, this pose is very effective in preventing spinal problems too along with back pain and pain. Nevertheless, it is always wise to heed the signs of your body and not assume this posture if you have an injury or any other health complication.


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